
To Do List 2009 Edition

Alright, here we go... in the spirit of David Letterman, I present my Top Ten list for 2009:

  • Stop self-sabotaging! When an opportunity presents itself, do not say "fuck you, opportunity!" by procrastinating, or doing other things that I know will result in bad-ness.
  • Finish last two classes and put forth a sincere effort to get into P.A. school. [Unnamed P.A. school] class of 2010, here I come!!
  • Run a mile without getting so winded that I am forced to stop after taking approx 15 steps.
  • Get my room into a state of presentability such that I do not become physically ill at the thought of someone seeing it.
  • Get all meds regulated so that I am once again of sound mind and body. Mostly so that I'm of sound mind.
  • Therapy, yo! All the cool kids are doing it.
  • Finances. Get them all squared away including paying back taxes (sorry, IRS) and tickets (sorry various law enforcement agencies). See how procrastination is bad? Yeah, me too.
  • Go diving at least once.
  • Date without fear.
  • Hell, while I'm at it, LIVE without fear.
    I suppose living without fear should be better defined...but I'll know it when I see it!
Not as funny as Letterman's list, but certainly most beneficial to my existence.

With that, Happy New Year one and all!


Suspension Without Suspense

Another year is almost over. Ten more days and it will be 2009. And then, 365 opportunities will have passed. Again.

I often think about where I could be, where I want to be. It's not here. It's funny because I truly, wholly, completely, 100% believe that we are responsible for our own happiness and for getting where we want to be. So, why the hell am I here?

Even though it's so cliche, I think I will post a list of resolutions. No, a list of goals for 2009. Maybe then I will feel slightly accountable to the people in the blogosphere and actually accomplish them?